[TenTec] 'New' Triton IV / 540 questions/comments

streyle_john@si.com streyle_john@si.com
Sat, 4 Mar 2000 10:31:40 -0500

I picked up a {new to me} 'Triton IV' a couple of months ago at the Ft. Wayne,
Indiana hamfest, and am working on fixing it up.  I was able to clean up the
dial by washing with soap & water, new dial lights, etc.  Got new plastic side
plates from TT.   Have been using it on the air a fair amount. (Also got the
digital adapter, and a 262 TT supply.)  Had a few bits to replace - receiver
reed relay, PTO kit, preselector, dial cord, etc.  Haven't owned a TT before,
but am pleased with it so far.

1st:  However, is there any way of refinishing the front panel?  Mine's pretty
'worn', and TT says new ones aren't available (not surprising.)

2nd:  The receiver seems kinda weak on receive - the calibrator doesn't even
move the s-meter.  Is the RF amp mosfet the likely cause?  I've been thru most
of the alignment, which helped a bit; but not enough.  TT service told me over
the phone that either the mosfet, or the protection diodes were typically the
problem.  (Even at that, I've been able to work some decent DX on 80 & 40 CW,
with just an inverted V)

3rd:  I'd like to try 160M.  Does anyone have the 160 adapter (for a Triton)
they'd like to sell?  Appearance not important; must be functional, or at least
easily repairable.  I'm not collecting, just want a moderate priced way to get
on the air.  Price IS important.

4th: Not a question - I stumbled across this mail reflector by accident, but I
really like what I've found.  This is a nice resource for TT info & tips; and
the attitude displayed is refreshing, compared to the newsgroups. I'm not sure
how much I can contribute to the group.  Still getting used to a full-break-in
CW rig - but it's a nice change from the other radios I've used.  Sorry if I'm
bringing up old questions - if they're answered in the mail archives, let me
know which month/year.  Too much there to search through all of them.

5th:  TT service told me that the vox unit in the power supply doesn't work, and
never really has.  Ok, so I disconnected it.  Had some 'rf in the mike' problems
before that.  Anyway, with all that available space in the power supply
(formerly occupied by the VOX board), it looks like a neat place for a keyer. 
Has anyone tried this?  With what results?  Any advice as to circuitry or

Thanks in advance

John Streyle

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