[TenTec] 'Just the facts' - Sgt. Friday

Steve Ellington N4LQ@iglou.com
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 10:21:35 -0500

Xenophobic remarks actually weaken
> the support for TenTec.  TenTec stands or falls on its own merits, not by
> the race or country that produced it.

On no....the X word!

Nope. Beleive me. Right or wrong, TenTec's success has a lot to do with race
and country. If you don't believe this, try parking your Toyota on the Ford
Truck plant's parking lot here in Louisville and see what happens to it.

Try this. Suppose the Scout was produced in Japan. Do you suppose anyone in
Alabama would buy one? Well maybe some folks would but they are probably
from New York.


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