[TenTec] FS: Hand Microphone
Bill Cotter
Sun, 05 Mar 2000 18:07:39 -0500
For Sale:
Turner 350 Hi-Z Ceramic Hand Microphone, coiled cable with 1/4"
phone plug wired for Delta-580, Argosy and other TenTec's.
Excellent condition. $25 plus shipping
Thanks es 73 bill N4ALG
Bill Cotter, N4ALG E-mail: bcotter@pop.uky.edu
173 Carolyn Lane Home: (606) 887-5563,2402
Nicholasville, KY 40356-9340 Work: (606) 323-6474
ARRL ARCI #9878 QRPl #1646 QCWA #29393 FISTS #4535
Hammarlund SP-600JX26 S/N: 12552 R-274C/FRR '52 S/N: 2659
Collins R-390A '55 S/N: 633 EAC R-390A '67 S/N: 3669
Philco R-392 '59 S/N: 167 HQ-180 '69 S/N: 2409
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