[TenTec] About to but a Pegasus-question
Greg Hodsdon
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 12:13:18 -0800
Hi Dick:
"Richard W. Hemingway" wrote:
> Hi people,
> This is my first post to this list. Until moving into a retirement
> apartment I owned an Omni VI, Herc amp and autotuner, etc. It has been a
> while and I am now thinking strongly of buying the Pegasus. I have read
> most of the posts aobut it and everything else I could. However, I have
> one question of Pegasus owners:
> How well is the radio shielded from computer interference?? Can you put it
> next to the computer and monitor???
Well, the temporary setup here (since last October) is the rig is adjacent to a
17in monitor with the shack computer on the floor beneath the table. The
computer normally runs with the cover off. There is also a second computer on
the other end of the table which is in use only part time, also usually with
the cover off. I'm not suggesting this is the ideal arrangement or that there
isn't any noise in the Pegasus' receiver, but what may be there sure doesn't
bother me. The Pegasus receiver hears very adequately.
The only problem experienced with the Pegasus was similar to what others have
mentioned, that of RF troubles with the audio. This was solved primarily by
properly extending the shack ground over to the "temporary" location of the
Pegasus rather than by hanging an alligator clip lead for six feet around the
shack to the rig chassis! I also would recommend use of the TT 705 mic.
73 de Greg, K7KJ
Portland, OR
> Thanks,
> Dick, N5XRD
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