[TenTec] How's Omni C on Top Band?
Steve Ellington
Thu, 9 Mar 2000 19:03:42 -0500
You won't notice nearly as much "noise" on 160m with that Omni C as compared
with multi-conversion, synthesized receivers. The S meter may read slightly
lower on 160m than it does on other bands however the sensitivity is just as
good. A side by side comparasion will be your best test. I've compared it
against the rigs you mentioned and many others and it found that it performs
much better than the others especially in heavy QRN. Buy it. You can't
----- Original Message -----
From: "N1EU" <n1eu@yahoo.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 4:25 PM
Subject: [TenTec] How's Omni C on Top Band?
> I have an option of picking up an Omni C in excellent
> condition and would appreciate comments from owners of
> the Omni C who regularly use it for 160m dx'ing. How
> good is the Omni C at digging the weak cw signals out
> of the noise on 160m? Would it surpass modern rigs
> (Omni VI+, 1000MP, etc)?
> Tnx vy much & 73,
> Barry N1EU
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