[TenTec] Heatsinking and fans....was: Pegasus - horizontal operation?

Phil Cuellar pcuellar@bright.net
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 22:15:22 -0500

OK, here's how to do it cheap and dirty....First, salvage that 12v muffin
fan off of that computer power supply that you've been kicking around under
the repair bench for months. Next, rummage the junk drawer and find some
plastic wall anchors that will fit snugly between the fins on your rig's
heat sink. Two will hold the fan easily. Then, find screws that are
undersized for the wall anchors, but the threads will still hold in the
anchors (just want the anchors to expand a leeeetle bit) and long enough to
attach the muffin fan. Wire the fan into the 12v accessory outlet on the rig
or power supply using appropriate connectors, push the anchors in the heat
sink fins, attach the fan with the screws. You're good to go. Fan runs
whenever rig is on.
Cost of parts, Zero, all salvage.
I've been using this on my Corsair for several months, no problems. I run
RTTY at full output for hours, the heat sink never gets much above warm.
It's quiet enough that I need to put my hand near the heat sink to feel the
breeze to make sure it is running.

73 de KI8JQ - Phil

> So, the fan noise is immaterial.  For ten minutes work, a couple of
> for parts and some parts out of the junk box, my Omni VI's have forced air
> movement across their heatsinks.  The whole radio cabinet is lot cooler
> too.
> Heat is the enemy.  Be cool: force air to move.
> 73,
> dale, kg5u

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