[TenTec] Kramolin??
Stan Jacox
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 09:16:53 -0800
Cramolin is still made but it is not easy to find. It's manufacturer is a
Germany chemical company ITW Chemische Produkte GmbH. They licensed the
basic formula to Caig Laboratories that uses it as the active ingredient in
De-Oxit D-5.
ITW Chemische Produkte has a web site with distribution information, look
for Contaclean the new name for R-5 http://www.cramolin.de/starteng.htm
My recording studios lived on the original R-5 Red when it was the only
deoxidizer available. A console with 3,000 pots, jacks and switches can need
a lot of deoxidizing.
Stan KM6XZ
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Sheffer <msheffer@jpc.com>
To: <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 6:43 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Kramolin??
> Just read a note about the use of Kramolin. We used to use that stuff
> all the time at the various TV stations I've worked for over the years.
> I was wondering if you know of anyone who still carries it, or if it's
> still available at all.
> Thanks very much,
> Mike Sheffer - WBTV Engineering
> msheffer@wbtv.com
> --
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