[TenTec] d-104 and omni V

Stuart Rohre rohre@arlut.utexas.edu
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 13:36:23 -0500

George makes excellent points.

In the current crop of ham mags (I get them all!), (I am not at home, so
forget which one!), Mr. Heil himself has a good piece on the desirability of
having audio equalizers to tailor microphone responses to various voices.
With the equalizer, you can tailor the mike response to anyone who uses your
radio.  You can tighten up the passband for DXing, or open things up for rag
chewing.  The only thing, is you need to be aware of stray audio noise in the
shack, and not make your mike so hi fi that you hear fan noise, clocks
ticking, or any other household noises.  A foam filter to cut pops and
syllibants from close talking the mike is probably also a good simple

Stuart K5KVH

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