[TenTec] d-104 and omni V
James C. Owen, III
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 10:55:15 -0800 (PST)
--- John Vickers <wa4tt@nlamerica.com> wrote:
> Carl S. Hyde W2CSH Wrote:
> >
> >The D-104 mics are made for CB radios.
> Hi Carl es all--- The D104 was in use BEFORE the 11
> Meter CB band was even
> established.
> In the hands of someone with a basic knowledge of
> radio the 104 can be made
> to work just fine on the Ten Tec rigs.
> 73 John WA4TT
I couldn't agree more with you John. I bought my D-104
before CB existed and have used it on EVERY rig I have
ever owned from the DX-100B to the Corsair II and a
few Drakes and Kenwoods in between. It has worked
perfectly on all for 41 years and I have done no mods
to get it to sound good. In fact I just bought a few
weeks ago a good used TS-830S with the MC-50 mike. The
first night I used it everyone said what poor audio
quality it had. Connected the D-104 and everyone
agreed that I was now back to great quality. Now over
the last few years I have bought a couple of used
D-104's since I don't like to have to swap one back
and forth. I do have three rigs on the table. I found
that of three d-104's I bought they all had bad
elements. They usually sounded very high pitched. One
when I pulled it had a hole through the diaphragm. I
replaced all the elements and they all sound great
now. However, everyone says that the 41 year old one
sounds best. I wonder, do they mellow with the years?
Keep them away from extreme heat, cold and mosture as
that will kill a crystal element.
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