[TenTec] FS: Triton IV 540-$275

Bob Durrell w4ht@juno.com
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 10:51:11 -0500 (EST)

Hello all,

I still have my mint/excellent Triton IV model 540 for sale.  It's the later
series of Triton ("Model 540" instead of "Triton IV" on the face).  Face is
pristine, no rubs or scratches.  Has the optional 10 meter crystals, noise
blanker (an effective one), and audio cw filter.  PTO is smooth, power
output still 100+ watts on 80-15 meters, 85-90 watts on 10 meters.  Includes
the original manual and power cord.

Asking $275 shipped CONUS.  Call at 770 942-9911 or e-mail for details.

72/73, Bob Durrell W4HT

"Almost 100% CW since 1968"

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