[TenTec] A word of caution (slightly long)

James C. Owen, III k4cgy_list@yahoo.com
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 13:39:33 -0800 (PST)

About three weeks ago I noticed a great increase of
line noise from the usual S1 or less to S9. This of
course really hindered QRP operation and QRO for that
matter. I brushed it off as a bad insulator that would
quiet down after a rain storm. However it was constant
and didn't vary like most line noise I've had in the
past. Then I went to ten meters one night and not a
sound, checked twenty and forty and it was S9. Pulled
out the DX-440 and started checking. It was just
noticeable on 3 Mhz, started increasing rapidly about
5 Mhz and peaked about 10 Mhz and by 20 Mhz was not
there. Now this is strange since I've never had line
noise that was that frequency limited. I started a
search, I walked toward the overhead lines about 150
feet from the house and the closer I got the less the
noise, strange. Back toward the house and noise goes
up. Really strong at the outside floodlights and even
greater at the heatpump and the meter. Started pulling
breakers and when I hit the washer circuit the noise
   Now I digress  a little. About a month ago I found
the greatest little battery charger for the gel-cells
(you know where I'm going now). This is one of the
variable current/bulk rate chargers that they say
starts at 1.5A and tapers to a trickle. I works just
great, in fact I ordered a second for the gel-cells in
the shack.
   On the washer circuit was the washer, a timer for
the water softner and the battery charger. Yep the
battery charger was the problem. Can't use it if I
want to operate.
   This charger is sold many places and I bought it
from a site on ebay for less than $20.00. It's called
the InteliTender Model 150. If you buy one be advised
that it's HORRIBLY noisey. It must have some type of
switcher inside and you can't get into it without
destroying the case. I'll try later to clean it up
with some external fix but for now it stays off unless
the battery needs charging and then I'll do it over
   The good news is, if your neighbor gets one you
most likely not hear it. I tried at my neighbor 200 ft
away and I couldn't hear it and we share a

73 Jim K4CGY

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