[TenTec] Ten Tec Performance
Steve Ellington
Tue, 2 May 2000 21:22:17 -0400
I've had the MP and Omni 6 and think they are both overpriced. The MP has
the Las Vegas displays which really bugs your eyes out upon first glance but
after listening to cw on it for a few weeks I was ready to pull out what
remains of my hair. The residual hiss was very pronounced and comes from the
multitude of IF amps. I believe Inrad even has a mod available for this
$3,000 rig which boost the RF gain and reduces the IF gain to mask the hiss.
The reason why Jap rigs have such accurate frequency readouts is because
they use only one crystal oscillator for all bands and they put a lot of
effort in that one little oscillator to make it stable. The Omni uses a
seperate crystal for each band and compromises on them to save money. As the
crystals age, each band will become off by a certain amount plus the
oscillator in the microprocessor will also age and drift. This results in up
to 30cps or so error per band depending upon many factors.
I found the Omni 6 to be much easier on my ears for extended cw reception
and some of the faults you mentioned can be eliminated such as the clicking
qsk by simply unplugging one cable.
Worth $3,000? Hey, it's only money!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Cunningham" <jcunningham@rockport.k12.ma.us>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 10:34 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Ten Tec Performance
> I own a 1000mp and just bought a omni 6 plus from ten-tec..of course a
> andpower supply and all filters..over 3000 dollars by the time it
> arrives....I objectively try to compare the two rigs..first I notice the
> meter display is off 30 hertz...call the factory..thats normal! That's
> normal on a 3000 dollar radio???? I notice other annoying "normal"
> glitches...cw click on qsk, drift,etc.....Do I have a dud or is this what
> get???? The 1000mp is a lot more receiver and transmitter...no matter how
> look at it...and after spending this much money I have trid to justify it,
> believe me...comments????? Had to build an pre-amp to use the gold line
> mike as well-it wouldn't drive the tentec!!!! jon k1tp
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