Fw: [TenTec] Ten Tec Performance

Chester Alderman chestert@pressroom.com
Tue, 2 May 2000 23:15:27 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chester Alderman" <chestert@pressroom.com>
To: "Jon Cunningham" <jcunningham@rockport.k12.ma.us>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Ten Tec Performance

> Jon...I know your not going to like this, but I think you have what is
> referred to as 'radio bias'!  I have it also. I have an Omni 6 that
> modified to a 6+; I have been using it for 8 years, used in numerous
> CW contest on 40 & 80 mtrs, I have worked 320 countries on 40m CW and
> only 249 countries on 80m CW, with the Omni 6 and my equally aged
> amp.
>     I like to run high speed CW, in excess of 70 wpm, have been doing
> for 20 years and still do it. Well the Omni 6 ONLY problem (IMHO) is
> will not key over 70 wpm. I have spoken to the factory, understand why
> it will not, and accept it.
>     I wanted a radio that would be as good as the Omni 6 and that
> run full QSK at speeds over 70 wpm. I bought a brand new FT-1000MP and
> bought two different Icom IC-781's. I spend about 6 months with each
> of them, doing A/B antenna switching, determined to keep the best one,
> in my opinion , on my desk!
>     The FT-1000MP has a very good receiver. But if you have the narrow
> CW filters in both IF's, forget sending CW over about 30 wpm as the
> audio thumping is horrible, if you have both of the narrow filters
> turned on. (The audio thumping is a design problem that can be seen in
> the schematic of the IF's) If you want to run the MP at speeds much
> 40wpm, you have to learn how to adjust the menu for those higher
> or it will chop the characters.
>     You say the Omni 6 is 30Hz off??? Did you buy a frequency counter
> did you buy a AMATEUR radio? What professionally calibrated frequency
> counter did you use to determine that ANY rig is off by 30Hz out of
> many million hertz? Or do you mean that the Omni reads 30 Hz DIFFERENT
> than your MP?  The fact that a gold-line mike cant drive a TenTec, is
> not a factor with the Omni 6, it is a factor with the microphone. For
> example, Heil produced a line of microphones that work excellent with
> Kenwoord radios, but not very good with other rigs. To get a Heil mike
> to work with an Icom, you have to buy an in-line amplifier for another
> $50 bucks. Good deal or what?
>     The first used IC-781 that I bought, died from power supply heat
> exhaustion. The second used IC-781 I bought is the one I should have
> kept; the rcvr worked just as good as my Omni 6, but not any better.
> Last April ('99) I bought a brand new IC-781 which made two trips back
> to the factory for repairs; after returning from the factories second
> trip, it failed again. I asked Icom to replace it, which they did. The
> first replacement was dead out of the box (broken wire on the power
> supply). The second replacement lasted FIVE days on my desk before it
> died (broken wire from a PC trace to a connector). I just got it back
> from repair last week and so far its working fine.
>     What did I use as a back up while trying to get a $7000 Icom
> radio that works? My great Omni 6+ that has untold thousands of hours
> operation during it's 8-year life sitting on my desk providing hours
> CW fun and excitement. It has NEVER been back to Ten Tec for repair.
>     You and I have 'radio bias', you think the Omni 6 stinks for your
> own reasons, I think the FT-1000MP stinks for my own reasons. I should
> think the $7000 Icom IC-781 stinks because of my experience with it,
> I don't because as a piece of AMATEUR radio equipment, it works well.
> Chester Alderman
> W4BQF  (Tom)
> chestert@pressroom.com
> http://www.geocities.com/w4bqf
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jon Cunningham" <jcunningham@rockport.k12.ma.us>
> To: <tentec@contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 10:34 AM
> Subject: [TenTec] Ten Tec Performance
> >
> > I own a 1000mp and just bought a omni 6 plus from ten-tec..of course
> mike
> > andpower supply and all filters..over 3000 dollars by the time it
> > arrives....I objectively try to compare the two rigs..first I notice
> the 20
> > meter display is off 30 hertz...call the factory..thats normal!
> That's
> > normal on a 3000 dollar radio???? I notice other annoying "normal"
> > glitches...cw click on qsk, drift,etc.....Do I have a dud or is this
> what I
> > get????  The 1000mp is a lot more receiver and transmitter...no
> how I
> > look at it...and after spending this much money I have trid to
> it,
> > believe me...comments?????  Had to build an pre-amp to use the gold
> line
> > mike as well-it wouldn't drive the tentec!!!!   jon  k1tp

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