[TenTec] Triton IV Sidetone Modification
Paul Christensen
Fri, 5 May 2000 13:35:28 -0400
I finally got around to incorporating Steve's (N4LQ) sine wave side tone
modification into my Triton IV. After about an hour of surgery, the Triton
IV's QSK is now as nice as my modified Omni Six. The sine wave sidetone
makes a world of difference over the rough sound of the stock sawtooth
generator. Anyone interested in upgrading their older Ten-Tec transceiver
can find the information on the unofficial Ten-Tec page at
http://www.qsl.net/tentec/ I believe the modification will work with the
Omni, Corsair, and Argosy line of tranceivers. Thanks Steve!
-Paul, W9AC
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