[TenTec] Pegasus II
Steve Baron - KB3MM
Tue, 16 May 2000 16:31:47 -0000
Oh dear !
The new rig means you do not have to lug a PC and monitor in order to
----- Original Message -----
From: Joe L Blackwell <aa4nn@juno.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: May 16, 2000 11:21 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Pegasus II
> Hello Gang,
> Let's just face it, the original Pegasus with computer control
> was a step in the right direction. However, one needed some
> computer knowledge and some radio knowledge to make it fly.
> Newbies can't put the two together. It's an appliance world.
> Sorry to see Ten-Tec following the Japanese market of radios
> out of the box with license application enclosed.
> Pix of the Pegasus II on Ten-Tec website is not too impressive,
> meaning it's just a black box. No silver-grey, no red dot. Blasse~
> 73, de Joe aa4nn
> Ten-Tec only, CW only.
> eeetet ee
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