[TenTec] paragon receiving problems

Steve Ellington N4LQ@iglou.com
Sat, 20 May 2000 20:59:38 -0400

The relays are sealed so you can't clean them. The "QSK" relay is located on
the final amp board which is mounted vertically at the rear of the rig.
Locate it and the next time signals fade our, take a small insulated tool
and peck on the relay gently. If things pop back to normal, you've found
your problem. As for cleaning connectors...Usually this is not necessary.
They will clean themselves when unplugged and plugged back in.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Capps" <wbcapps@mindspring.com>
To: <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 1:21 AM
Subject: [TenTec] paragon receiving problems

> hello all
> i asked this question many months ago,and i cant find my replies now.
> anyhow, my paragon has developed a receiver problem. during a qso and when
> ever the radio is on, the receive will fade away. i can be listening to a
> 579 cw qso, then slowly the receiver will fade to nothing. i used to think
> it was qsb, but all i have to do is tap a key or activate the "tune"
> and instantly the receiver starts back again, and the qso is 579 again.
> also while using QSK, i can loose the receive. i like to listen to the
> band during cw with qsk, but it is weird to have the reciever drift away.
> i believe i remember someone saying "oxides" build up on the qsk relays?
> if so what is the best way to clean this relay, a chemical or use a brush
> or abrasive.
> also. months ago, i remember reading a post where a gentleman, unpluged
> all the boards in his paragon, cleaned all the plugs and replugged
> everything. is this a good tune-up for a 11 year old rig? if it is , what
> do you recommend cleaning the plugs with. i may give it a tune-up
> im trying to avoid having to ship my rig to ten tec
> many thanks to all that have read my post es 73
> bill capps
> af4od
> auburn,alabama

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