[TenTec] Supporting the best use of the RX320
Jim Reid
Wed, 1 Nov 2000 09:39:46 -1000
> I want something that will take as inputs the date and time
> and the WWV solar data and output a list of frequencies
> and locations that I would be most likely to hear.
Unfortunately, no, a program doing that does not seem
to exist. Mini-prop had one function called "DX Compass"
which came close to that for what you wish, but is no longer
Kangaroo Taber Software, who has Capman, also sells a
shareware program called WinCap Wizard, which might be
the most easy to use prop predictor; but, it tells you all
about the prop to a particular prefix or area of the globe.
You must input to where you want to listen. I have asked
Jim Tabor about the possibility of providing a "DX Compass"
like feature in the WinCap Wizard; I received a "definite
maybe" sort of response, hi.
You can, in a few minutes point to various areas of the map
using WC Wizard, and quickly determine all the needed info
for any of the HF bands (except 160, not in WCWz.) for
any time of the UTC day. And you do input the real time
solar info, or you can use the default; but, the default info
for this year has been too optimistic. Jim had evidently
presumed better solar max year numbers than have
actually been realized.
Check out WCWz. at: http://www.taborsoft.com/wwizard/
The past couple of weeks, the new "rare" DX occurring
during the CQWW SSB and others, seem to have been
on bands and at times when from KH6 land the prop has
been awful! And WCWz. has confirmed the awfulness, hi.
Too bad Miniprop is no longer around to tell us right away
from which part of the globe and on which band the prop
will probably be best right now.
73, Jim, KH7M
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