[TenTec] arrl propergation report

Jim Reid kh7m@hsa-kauai.net
Wed, 1 Nov 2000 10:35:05 -1000

> Can u guys explain what the ARRL propergation report means?  
> In short, the higher the flux the better?  Right?  

Yes,  unless accompanied by high A and k index numbers via
WWV reports.  A over 25,  and present k over 4 are not good
numbers;  noisy bands.  High flux means better opportunites
from 15 meters and higher.  The month of the year,  time of
day and your QTH location mean more for 20 meters and
down propagation,  this statement is a very general summary,  hi.
Time of day and location is also very importenat at the 
QTH you want to reach.

> Any more  info i need to know?  

Yes,  be able to put the info above into a fairly easy to use
propagaion predicting program such as the one I previously
mentioned;  WinCap Wizard 2.

Also useful to monitor solar activity,  fairly real time.  Especially
useful is the solar x-ray intensity info graphs along with the
present reported k index numbers,  see for example:


Daily summary info is also available,  for example at:


Note,  it is just possible solar max occured in July/August;
won't know for several more months.  Formal predictions
still point to early 2001,  just must wait to see.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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