[TenTec] FS: TT stock 2.4 Khz filters from Omni 6+
Tim Randa
Sat, 04 Nov 2000 09:58:29 -0500
Good luck on your sale Eric..but please tell us what you think of your
new filters.
de Tim K0FL
Eric Rosenberg wrote:
> I replaced both 2.4 KHz filters in my Omni 6+ with INRAD's equivalent
> filters,
> and now the TenTec filters are surplus to my needs:
> 2400 Hz 8 pole for the 9 Mhz IF (#220)
> 2400 Hz 8 pole for the 6.3 MHz IF (no model #)
> $60 each or $100 for the pair.
> Email if you're interested.
> Eric W3DQ
> wd3q@erols.com
> --
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