[TenTec] Power display on Pegasus

Mark Erbaugh mark@microenh.com
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 09:28:10 -0500

Last night, I finally got my Pegasus on PSK. When adjusting my radios for
PSK transmit, I go through the following steps to set the proper ALC level.

Into a dummy load (of course)

1) Set the radio to max TX power
2) Set the PSK program to TX in idle mode
3) Adjust the computer audio out until the power reading on the radio just
4) Back the computer audio down until the power is half of the peak reading
5) Reduce the radio TX power to the level I want.

This procedure seems to give me a clean signal.

Anyways, while trying that with the Pegasus, using the N4PY software (v
1.38), I noticed that on the computer display the power output was
fluctuating rapidly.  A PSK signal at idle should be a perfect two-tone
signal so it should be constant amplitude. The meter on my antenna tuner did
indicate a steady signal.


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