[TenTec] speaker

John Crux patents@dx0man.prestel.co.uk
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 22:35:24 +0000

I use a Minimus 7 hi fi speaker from Radio Shack. This speaker was
recommended for ham use in a QST article, but I do not recommend it for
use with an Omni 5. In fact, I have two of the things; they both behave
exactly the same way. They may be good hi fi speakers (the jury is out
on that one) but I find them insensitive and  prone to transient
overload. In other words, don't turn the audio up ... 

That MFJ Cleartone sounds a much better bet, but they are not available
over here.  Incidentally, I have a Motorola metal jacketed mobile radio
speaker here as well. It is a very poor performer, even on its original
two-way FM radio.

Reading this garbage over, I wonder if my Omni audio is to blame ??
I can never use  an audio gain control setting above about 9 AM ...
if I do, its too noisy and prone to distortion.  If anyone out there
ever saw similar symptoms - and found a fix, please let me know.
Of course, maybe my ears need fixing after 45 years of exposure to ham

John G3JAG

On Wed, 08 Nov 2000, nw4p@martha.xtn.net wrote:
> Gentlemen,
>   Has anyone ever replaced the speaker in the 961 PS for a better one?? 
> (Open expansion chambers has taken it toll on my hearing!!)
> Or, what external speaker could one buy that would give
> good clarity especially in the 3800-4200 cycle range.
> Any input would be appreciated since it is getting harder
> and harder to hear all but good quality audio.
>        Thanks in advance,
>        Richard      NW4P
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