[TenTec] re: Finally got a 544 Triton

dslosty dslosty@pipeline.com
Tue, 03 Oct 2000 02:11:20 -0700

Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 07:34:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Carl Hyde <cshyde@yahoo.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Finally got a 544 Triton

I was at a ham fest yesterday and pickup up a 544
digital Triton II with the power supply/speaker and
the TT speack processor and a nice home brew audio
SCAF filter. Also included was a heathkit external VFO
and some hookup instruction scribbled on a cocktail
napkin. Apparently the Heath VFO pluggen into the
accessory socket on the back of the Triton and into a
relay control box. Other than split frequency
operations I can't figure out why you would do this
and I havent hooked it up until I decipher the rosetta
stone papers. Now the radio works just great and is in
excellent shape except for (here it comes) the
original tuning knob was replaced by a crank knob so I
need a tuning knob. Also I am picking up some
switching noise or some other noise in the radio. Its
not apparent when tuned to a strong station but when
quiet it sounds like someone left the dot key pushed
down on a keyer. The line cord and DC power cord to on
the power supply are both wrapped around some
substantial torroids. Was there a problem with display
noise in the digital Triton? I also have no manual for
the speach processor so I'm not sure how to operate
it. I played with it last night and is seems to make a
difference in perceived output from mild to platter
all over the place. I'm also looking for the
appropriate Microphone for it. I'm planning on being
at sevierville this weekend so if anyone has a tuning
knob I'll be the one with the big grin on my face.  

Remember, the opposite of PROGRESS is CONGRESS

Ten-Tec still has the main tuning knobs for the 544.
Just bought one from them - it was only a couple of dollars.
They also still have the plastic cabinet end plates, which
you might replace if the ends are stratched.

Like you, I recently picked up a Triton IV, digital and 
although I initially thought of selling it, I think I'll
keep it for now.

I too get the pulsating "dot" noise on my 544.
It appears on 80 mtrs around 3857, on 20 mtrs at 14000
and around 14274. I might be off on those freqs since
I'm recalling from memory.

I think they are generated by the digital display circuitry.
They are only S3 on my rig and not too bothersome.

For over 20 years I had the non-digital Triton IV (540)
so this rig's characteristics are new to me. I'm not
sure if these spurs are normal or not. They may be
the inevitable result of an early digital readout design.

I also have an Omni-D. Although the display readouts seem
the same, the digital circuitry is different from the 544.
The Omni's don't have those spurs - at least not on the ham


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