[TenTec] Omni-A, Series B on 17 meters

Carl Moreschi cjm@qvssoftware.com
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 09:07:31 -0400


I had an OMNI A series B.  The AUX band position is for 24 Mhz.  Ten-Tec
sold a kit
for $25 that added 24 Mhz to this position and 10 Mhz transmit.

The design of the OMNI A made it bad to put 18 Mhz on it because of doubling
of the 9 Mhz IF and the mixing scheme used.  In spite of this,  I modified
and added a few relays and a crystal to allow the 21 Mhz position to also be
18 Mhz
with the relays enabled.  It worked fine for me but I'm sure it did not meet
FCC specs.

I always enjoyed my OMNI A and used it for 15 years with no problems.

I had a fantastic time at the TT hamfest and really enjoyed meeting several
from the TT user's net.

Carl Moreschi  N4PY
----- Original Message -----
From: "Winston F. Jones" <winjones@ix.netcom.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 5:17 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Omni-A, Series B on 17 meters

> Does anybody have info on adding 17 meters transmit and receive to the
> A, Series B in the AUX bandswitch position?
> I know it involves the insertion of a crystal and the proper components in
> the low-pass filter. Does Ten-Tec offer a conversion kit or does the rig
> have to go back to the factory?
> Also, can the 10-meter band, which is already active on received, be
> activated for transmit?
> 73, Winston K4CWQ
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