[TenTec] Hercules power supply

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 08:59:51 -0500

You might check the Ten-Tec reflector archives.

A few years ago, when we were putting together the HF station in our
emergency operations center at work (Johnson Space Center), Ten-Tec
recommended the Luke S-100 power supply.  You might check back with Ten-Tec
to get Luke's telephone number (I'm at home today, so it's not in arm's

However, there is a note from me in the archives with the telephone number:

Re: [TenTec] Luke Power Supply
Dale L. Martin (kg5u@hal-pc.org)
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 20:48:05 -0600

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Maybe in reply to: Rosenberg.Eric@orbcomm.com: "[TenTec] Luke Power Supply"
>It's been 2 years now and not only haven't I heard from them, but their
>been disconnected, and for all I care, the
>power supply is a write-off.  Registered letters do not work :-(
>Eric W3DQ

My contact at Luke for our S-100 power supply for our Paragon II and
II in our EOC at work was Bob Benedict, 810-573-6908.

Your comments, Eric, don't give me much comfort.  I will have to call them
tomorrow morning to 'wish them season's greetings' (verify their existence
non-existence, as the case may be).

dale, kg5u

dale, kg5u

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