[TenTec] Corsair 2

Michael O. Hyder N4NT@chartertn.net
Sat, 14 Oct 2000 23:30:36 -0400

If some signals do not warble and then when you change frequency a bit, some
do warble, then it sounds like a PTO problem to me.  That is the way they
behave when the grease dries out.  Perhaps there is some foreign substance
contaminating the rebuilt PTO (grit in the grease?).

If some signals warble and some don't without your changing the frequency of
your rig, then the problem may well be with the other stations.

My suggestion is to turn the dial from one end to the other a couple of
times and see if that fixes it.  If not, I'd let Ten-Tec take another crack
at it.

Regards, Mike N4NT@chartertn.net

----- Original Message -----
From: <K2ZF@aol.com>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 9:11 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Corsair 2

| Hi friends,
| I found a Corsair 2 in really wonderful shape at the Sussex hamfest here
| New Jersey this past July. I used to have a Corsair 2 a number of years
| and sold it a was always sorry about it, now there is another one here in
| shack.
| I have a question. I sent the rig to Ten Tec for a look over. They rebuilt
| the PTO and they serviced a few other things that I did not describe in my
| letter, what great service.
| Some signals have a warble type sound to them, other signals sound just
| many times just a couple of hz away, go figure. I remember my first
Corsair 2
| had a similar problem. Can anyone explain why this occurs and is there any
| remedy ? Could it be instability in the PTO ? Other than this one quirk,
| Corsair 2 is one mighty radio, love the QSK.
| Thanks, 73 de Jim  K2ZF
| --
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