[TenTec] ADA contest

Sherrill WATKINS SEWATKINS@dgs.state.va.us
Fri, 20 Oct 2000 11:10:56 -0400

While I completely agree with the original idea behind the Americans with Disabilities Act, the act itself was written by lawyers and is very ambiguous and constitutionally dangerous.   I have tried to read certain sections that deal with areas that affect my job and there is no question that the law was written so as to deliberately create lawsuits.    If you ask 100 different attorneys to interpret any section of the ADA you will get 100 different opinions.   If one has actually seen the ADA in print form, it is about 2" thick and is about 600 pages!!  As typical of congress, dominated by special interest groups and lawyers, the ADA appears to be written so as to generate confusion and litigation  (lawsuits) so as to keep lawyers rich under the noble pretense of helping handicapped or disabled people.   The EPA act was written the same way 30 years ago, that is why about 99 percent of the Superfund Cleanup money has gone into the pockets of greedy lawfirms instead of actually cleaning up the environment.   If my memory stands, the American Trial Lawyers Association and the American Bar Association were big supporters of the ADA.  I WONDER WHY??  I just never realized there was so many handicapped lawyers!  (By the way, guess who will end up with most of the cigarette settlement money?) -  sherrill  k4own

>>> "Vincent A. Santis" <vsantis@javanet.com> 10/20/00 10:37AM >>>

I'm a disabled ham (visually impaired), and I agree with W5Yr. I prefer to 
compete igmoring my disability. I don't feel I need that kind of attention. 
BTE, I'm 67 and been this way for about 50 years now.

Vince Santis, N1VS
Winsted, CT

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