[TenTec] Corsair II

Jerry Harley wa2tti@worldlynx.net
Sat, 28 Oct 2000 13:09:19 -0400

PRICE REDUCED -Only a week and then I trade it in
MY Ten Tec Corsair II in excellent condition. For those that don't know;

Double conversion,  > 95dB dynamic range, 8 pole audio bandpass
filter, Dual-range triple-mode offset tuning plus variable notch
filter, 40 character memory keyer and more.   Full power output on all
bands. $550.  If it doesn't sell it get traded to TenTec.  There current

retail price is $775  Can be purchased with the model 288 1.8 filter and

the model 285 500 filter installed for $650. The filters will be For
Sale after the rig sells if buyer does not want them at $65 each.
Please see my web site at HTTP://WWW.QSL.NET/WA2TTI/ where this rig has
been the center piece of my radios for years. Before you ask, I have a
Jupiter on order.
Tnx Jerry

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