[TenTec] Re: Voltage Use
Roy Koeppe
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 08:09:04 -0500
"There is nothing surprising about it, it's a 25% increase in
voltage. Assuming you still have the same collector current it's a
25% increase in power or in other terms slightly less than 1 db.
What is the affect on your signal strength at a distant point? 3
db (a doubling of power) is the smallest change that can be
detected by the human ear. In other words negligible! What is the
affect in wear and tear to your finals? Don't know, but it can't
be good! Think I'll stick with the factory adjusted and
recommended 13.5 volts!"
Firstly, the upper limit stated by the factory is still "within limits"
and supposedly blessed by Ten-Tec as OK.
Secondly, sometimes we have a reason to run the upper limit possible.
Example, your amp may require full exciter output in order to be driven
to its full rated output. (I know, you don't like THAT idea either--go
ahead--be a QRPer!). :-)
73, Roy K6XK
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