[TenTec] binaural CW?
Richard B Drake
Sat, 31 Mar 2001 20:54:59 -0500
Hmm! I consider myself to be a pretty good CW op and copy easily
in my head at speeds up to 40 or 45 WPM. But copying two at once
is a pretty good trick. I don't know if it would help to have the
two signals coming into different ears. They still have to get
processed by the same feeble brain in the middle and it has never
been too good at multiprocessing. I'd have to see it (hear it and
copy it) to believe it.
73, Rich - W3ZJ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-tentec@contesting.com
> [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Clark Savage Turner
> Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 18:08 PM
> To: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] binaural CW?
> Any of you guys use the JPS NIR-12 for binaural CW
> reception and how well
> does it approxmate diversity reception?
> I had a Yaesu FT 1000 here in the shack for a week once
> (a guy wanted to
> swap for my OMNI VI) and I used the dual receive with
> stereo headphones to
> really dig out CW signals. I am told the NIR-12
> approximates this in its
> binaural mode and just wonder if anyone has experience with it.
> At a mere 47, I find my hearing is sometimes a problem,
> especially in the
> CW range. I am using lower tones these days, but find
> I need to change
> the tone frequently to reorient my concentration on the
> CW signals during
> QSO's.
> Clark
> --
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