[TenTec] N4PY Pegasus Version 1.46 and N4PY RX-320 Version 1.13

Carl Moreschi n4py@earthlink.net
Sun, 1 Apr 2001 13:50:06 +0100

New versions for my Pegasus and RX-320 software are now available.

Highlights of version 1.46 of my Pegasus software features the following:

  1)  Full RX-331/RX-340 support to work with the Pegasus in full transceive
  2)  Flexible 6 and 2 meter IF frequencies that allow the user to define
the IF
       so that transparent transverter operation is now possible with any
       6 or 2 meter transverter that has an HF IF frequency.
  3)  Added a "PTT" button option on the remote pod.
  4)  Added the option to use the pegasus "line out" as the normal
       sound option instead of the speaker.
  5)  Added support to use a second Pegasus as a sub-receiver with the
        primary Pegasus.  This now results in the Pegasus being used with an
        RX-320, RX-331, RX-340, or second Pegasus.

Highlights of version 1.13 of my RX-320 software features the following:

  1)  Added an option to allow the CIV computer address to be configurable.
       This allows more the RX-320 software to be on the same C-IV bus as
        logging software to provide more flexibility when using the RX-320
       a sub-receiver with an Omni VI, Paragon II, or Omni V.9.
  2)  Added Spectrum sweep stop when the sweep is clicked.
  3)  Added support for any ICOM radio that supports the C-IV interface
        to be use the RX-320 as a sub-receiver.
  4)  Added a "follow" button that causes the RX-320 to automatically follow
       the transceiver it is operating with.

Carl Moreschi  N4PY
Franklinton, North Carolina

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