[TenTec] RX-340 Arrives at W9AC!

Paul Christensen paulc@mediaone.net
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 15:50:27 -0400

The postman delivered my new RX-340 receiver this morning!  I have only had
a few hours of listening time, but my first impression is that it is an
absolutely incredible receiver.  Construction quality is outstanding and the
overall fit and finish is superb...even the manual is written to mil-spec
standards.  The RX-340 will be paired and synchronized with my Pegasus
transceiver through the miraculous control software written by Carl, N4PY.
Carl has successfully integrated his RX-331 receiver with a Pegasus.
Frequency management is all done through his software.  I have attached
several links to pictures of my station.  Note that the RX-340 still
requires rack mounting to the Ten-Tec 19-inch equipment rack and final
interface wiring to the Pegasus.  The amplifiers in the pictures are that of
an Alpha PA-70V using vapor-phase-cooling and an Alpha 77Dx.   At the top of
the cabinet are a Hallicrafters SX-100 and ca. 1933 Collins 4A transmitter.
A continuous conduit along the cabinet back-plane allows me to run cables
from any compartment to another in a snap.  All vertical cabinet sections
are separated from the back plane by 2-inches (pat. pending).







-Paul, W9AC

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