[TenTec] Samlex PS

PSmith@indian.vinu.edu PSmith@indian.vinu.edu
Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:00:00 -0500

If anyone runs and EMI/RFI test, please post it here.

Phil, AA9ZZ

Phillip Smith
Broadcast Faculty
Vincennes University

General Manager

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.-    .-     - - - - .    --..    --..
Amateur Radio AA9ZZ
7.030 MHz

                    "Simmons, Reid W"                                                           
                    <reid.w.simmons@i        To:     tentec@contesting.com                      
                    ntel.com>                cc:                                                
                    Sent by:                 Subject:     RE: [TenTec] Samlex PS                
                    04/17/2001 11:38                                                            

It sounds too good to be true.  I wonder what a spectrum analyzer would
in the way of EMI/RFI?  Has any reputable organization done a review on it

Reid, K7YX

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Erbaugh [mailto:mark@microenh.com]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 6:23 PM
To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Samlex PS

I just got a Radio Shack commercial catalog. They have a Samlex 12V power
supply on sale for $200. It is rated at 40A, but you can add up to 3
additional 20A plug in modules for $50 each. So for $350, you can have a
100A power supply. This seems like a pretty good price. Though not
specified, I suspect that it is a switcher. Any comments on how suitable
this might be for a transceiver and solid state amp?

Mark, N8ME

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