[TenTec] new Ten Tec ( fill in the blank)

Simmons, Reid W reid.w.simmons@intel.com
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 09:02:16 -0700

Actually, I quit reading Consumer's Report many years ago.  It seems that
every product I bought that they had "rated high" turned out to be really
crappy from a quality and performance standpoint.

I don't recommend Consumers Report to anyone.  If you want good,
intelligently done, unbiased, and in-depth analysis of products, go

Would you go to them for reviews on Ham Radio equipment!  HELL NO!  I can
just imagine what those "chimps" would do to Ten Tec equipment - and we all
know better.

Reid, K7YX

-----Original Message-----
From: Carter Grabarczyk [mailto:k8vt@ameritech.net]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 4:18 AM
To: Simmons, Reid W; tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] new Ten Tec ( fill in the blank)

"Simmons, Reid W" wrote:
> I think you may be out of touch "automobile-wise".  Over the last decade
> so the Jaguar has become one of the highest quality automobiles you can

Well, if that is so, why did Consumer Reports magazine say that the
reliability of the new S-type is "much worse than average"? And please
don't shoot the messenger (Consumers)-they just report the response from
thousands of readers.

73/Carter/K8VT, previous owner of 3 Vettes and still dreaming about
owning an XK-140...

Obligatory TT content: Happy owner of a perfectly operating Omni VI
since 1994

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