[TenTec] Omni VI $1400

Joseph Koppi jkoppi@pclink.com
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 22:13:51 -0500

For Sale:  Ten-Tec Omni VI (not a Plus) with all filters, 250 Hz, 500 Hz,
and 1.8 KHz in the 6 MHz I.F., and a 1.8 KHz in the 9 MHz I.F. Also contains
the 257 voice synthesizer. Press a button on and the rig speaks the
frequency. Great for a visually impaired person. Electrically the radio
performs as advertised. Cosmetically, the front panel is very clean. The
only button showing wear is the voice synthesizer button. The top piece of
metal trim has some wear marks. The top of the radio also shows some wear,
and the bottom of the radio has a small scratch. The radio is really quite
nice, not mint, but about an 8.5 to 9. Ten-Tec sells used Omni VIs for
$1650, without filters or power supply. New filters cost $99 each. I'm
asking $1400 with filters; sorry, no power supply. Please respond via email.
Thanks. Joe, W0SU.

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