[TenTec] Corsair I frequency drift

Tim Randa randas@mindspring.com
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:32:14 -0400

Hey Carl....My Corsair I  doesn't drift a bit. It might be time to call the folks
at TT and see what they say.
Good luck
de Tim  K0FL

Carl Hyde wrote:

> Well last night I conducted the first real QSO I have made with my newly
> acquired Corsair I. about ten minutes into the conversation I noticed that the
> frequency was drifting up and down by 200 to 800 Hz. The other party also
> stated my signal was drifting on transmit. I have the external VFO installed
> but I made sure it was not on and the main radio was TX/RX and AB listen was
> off. Anyone else experience this? Is it common or is it time for a trip to
> Tennessee? Thanks
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