[TenTec] Coorsair II "Quirk"
Bwana Bob
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 21:05:26 -0400
Yes, all Corsairs work this way. I have a Corsair I. I think that the
decision was based on the mixing scheme, not on any whim by Ten Tec.
I'll have to do the math with the PTO, BFO and HFO frequencies to come
up with the technical reasons.
"Winston F. Jones" wrote:
> My Corsair I has the same quirk. I always figured Ten-Tec built it that way,
> before the preferences were set for 17-meter sideband. I have to switch to
> SB-R to operate on 17 meters. Hey, Corsair owners out there: Do all Corsairs
> work this way? If not, is there an easy fix to get it to work 17 meters on
> SB-N?
> 73, Winston K4CWQ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Reid" <kh7m@hsa-kauai.net>
> To: <tentec@contesting.com>
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 19:33 PM
> Subject: [TenTec] Coorsair II "Quirk"
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Listened to several SSB signals today; 15 M seems best of the
> > upper bands mid-day. Worked JA1CG with very strong signals.
> >
> > Then went to 17 M to check prop there. Discovered that to
> > demodulate SSB signals, I had to switch to SSB-R! Would
> > not become readable as on 20 and 15 with the mode switch
> > at SSB-N (normal). Per the Corsair II, Mod. 561 manual,
> > the SSB-N should be correct for 17 M, as the rig evidently
> > is supposed to know that above 14M, all the SSB signals
> > are on USB.
> >
> > Is my Corsair different, somehow? Why does it need to be set
> > for SSB-R for 17, and SSB-N for the other bands above 20?
> > Evidently this rig believes that on 17M, LSB is the correct mode,
> > at least that is what works.
> >
> > 73, Jim, KH7M
> >
> >
> > --
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