[TenTec] Need help with 1220 2 meter kit.

dave dabay kd3pc@mindspring.com
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 19:05:16 -0500

Anyone built one and have an insight as to what may be wrong with mine?  Off
line will be fine.  I dug mine out during this time between jobs to try and
finish it up.  I have completed the amp but Gary (ten tec) said by all means
get what I have working before adding the power amp.

I spoke with TenTec and Gary did all he could without having a 2 mtr rig to
hear mine.  All of the test points look good, just a flicker of power out.
Static and volume work, most things seem to work.

He thought it may be the PLL coming up out of band?

I have a DVM, scope and an OMNID but no other rig to troubleshoot with.

Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
