[TenTec] Century 21 questions
Lynn Stolz
Lynn Stolz" <lstolz@columbus.rr.com
Sat, 8 Dec 2001 18:55:05 -0500
Hi Mike,
I've owned several Century 21's and my experience is that for the rated
input, you will <nominally> achieve 25 watts on 80, 40, and 20 meters. On 15
meters you will achieve approximately 20 watts. On 10 meters, be glad you
get over 15 watts output. The C/21 is not the most efficient unit ever
manufactured with regard to transmitter efficiency, but it has one of the
sweetest CW signals around. As a QRPer, you already know what 25 watts can
do! Try to eke out more output; you will put the finals in jeopardy.
There are two finger hole openings on the bottom right of the bottom shell
that you will find trim-pots that adjust the sidetone volume and pitch.
Wiggle each one just a bit to determine which one it is. I adjusted my
sidetone pitch to track the peak frequency when the C/21 is in the sharpest
bandwidth setting.
Enjoy! 73!
Lynn, N8AJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "mike bryce" <prosolar@sssnet.com>
To: <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 2:11 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Century 21 questions
> hola!
> some questions about the century 21
> 1. anyway to change the side tone pitch? mine sounds like a buzzer
> 2. The digital upgrade kit. Does anyone have the schematic for one?
> 3. Into a 50 ohm load, I get 25 watts output. this seems a bit low
> considering 70 watts into. That's less than 50 percent efficiency.
> 4. Any one have a "part out" century 21? Need a few things..
> thanks!!
> Mike Bryce WB8VGE
> SunLight Energy Systems
> http://www.seslogic.com
> http://www.theheathkitshop.com
> "Electricity at the speed of light"
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