[TenTec] "Backward" 17-meter SSB on Corsair II?

Bill Meahan wmeahan@wa8tzg.org
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 19:35:29 -0500

I recently acquired a beautiful Corsair II which is just a wonderful

However, there is one small quirk which has me scratching my head. On
17-meters (18 MHz) I have to put the mode switch into SB-R to properly
demodulate signals whereas all the other bands use the expected SB-N
position. I haven't tried transmitting on 17 yet so I don't know what
others listening _to me_ will hear.

Anyone got an explanation?

Tnx & 73!
Bill Meahan  WA8TZG         wmeahan@wa8tzg.org
"Always do right. This will gratify some people 
   and astonish the rest." -- Mark Twain