[TenTec] Jan QST

Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales sales@tentec.com
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 14:55:32 -0500

You folks don't miss a beat, do you? :-)  

It's good to note that everyone looks for the Ten-Tec advertisements in
the amateur magazines - exactly what I had hoped for!

The below message from K5KVH said it pretty much like I would have.
By the time January's QST comes out, the Christmas rush is over.
If you keep an eye on our ads, we usually skip one or two months a 
year in both QST and CQ.   

Hard-core ad junkies will be pleased to note the full page Jupiter ad in
January's CQ magazine, and our 1/2 page shortwave receiver ad in
the current issue of Popular Communications.

Scott Robbins, W4PA
Amateur Radio Product Manager

At 05:52 PM 12/14/01 -0600, you wrote:
>December would be a slow month.  Folks who were ordering for Christmas
>should have already ordered, and even January will be a slow month for
>buying new anything.
>Many Companies with today's market, shut down at least partially for
>Christmas, and have limited staffing.  Makes sense to me to not advertise at
>a time when you are LEAST likely to get new orders, and least able to act on
>Stuart K5KVH

Ten-Tec, Inc., 1185 Dolly Parton Pkwy, Sevierville, TN 37862 USA 
  Contact Mon-Fri Eastern: Office/Tech (865) 453-7172 9 am-5 pm.  
  Repair (865) 428-0364 8-4.  Sales (800) 833-7373 9 am-5:30 pm.
  Fax (865) 428-4483 24 hrs.  Visit us at <http://www.tentec.com>

  --->--->---> Please note: E-mail <sales@tentec.com> for sales 
  and general product info only.  We presently do not offer 
  repair, parts, or kit building tech support by electronic mail, 
  please telephone (865) 428-0364 or (865) 453-7172.

  Ten-Tec manufactures amateur radio equipment, military and com-
  mercial use HF radio equipment, custom aluminum and steel 
  enclosures and has an on-premises, fully equipped tool and die
  facility supplying metal and plastic injection mold industries.
  Potential tool and die, custom enclosure or communications 
  electronics customer?  Contact us with your needs.