[TenTec] Re: TenTec Amateur Radio Digest V4 #45
Lee Grimes
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 22:12:25 -0800
People come, people go. I'll stay. I have the ability to read what I want
and not read what I don't want. Just because I'm not a whole lot interested
in the antenna stuff doesn't mean I'm gonna punish myself and miss the rest
of what I am interested in. Kinda dumb. This is a good list, off topic
sometimes, but so is everything. The local Safeway food store sells jumper
cables. So? Lee, K7INU
-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec Amateur Radio Digest <owner-tentec-digest@contesting.com>
To: tentec-digest@contesting.com <tentec-digest@contesting.com>
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 8:54 PM
Subject: TenTec Amateur Radio Digest V4 #45
>TenTec Amateur Radio Digest Wednesday, January 31 2001 Volume 04 : Number
>In this issue:
> Re: [TenTec] PLEASE, no more arguing about off-topic posts!!! Now a
Tentec question!
> Re: [TenTec] re:Please Oh Please
> [TenTec] Corsair II
> [TenTec] New version of N4PY Pegasus software version 1.44 and RX320
software version 1.11 available
> Re: [TenTec] PLEASE, no more arguing about off-topic posts!!! Now a
Tentec question!
> [TenTec] An Pegasus Question
> [TenTec] Goodbye
> Fw: [TenTec] Updated "Lineage" Release to Public (long)
>See the end of the digest for information about tentec-digest
>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 17:25:27 -0600
>From: "Stuart Rohre" <rohre@arlut.utexas.edu>
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] PLEASE, no more arguing about off-topic posts!!! Now
a Tentec question!
>Many of the more modern rigs are spec's to the full charged auto battery,
>13.8 VDC operation. The TT Scout/Argo starts to drift at about 11 VDC by
>test. The 12 volt source must be stiff, and the 13.8 VDC home supply is
>what makes most modern rigs content. We have run my Scout on 12 volt
>electric car battery, at 80AH, for 24 hours. At the end of Field Day, the
>12 volt was 11.994 VDC. It had started at full charge.
>Hope that helps. With the proliferation of chain replacement battery
>stores, it is easier to find a heavy duty 2 volt cell for beefing up an
>existing system based on 12 volts. Another thing to do, is use a solar
>panel to float charge the battery and keep it from only draining during rig
>GL and 73,
>Stuart k5KVH
>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:13:41 -0500
>From: "Ken & Linda Burrough" <w8keb@1st.net>
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] re:Please Oh Please
>As with all things in life and ham radio, if I do not like it I turn it
>The reflector for the last week or two has not had much if any Ten-Tec
>items. I will give the reflector until this Sunday, 4 Feb 2001 to get back
>to normal. If the reflector is the same on Sunday, as it now, I will
>and that will stop the endless SWR, Tuners, Open Wire or Coax feed lines
>everything else that has been flying around. This is The Ten-Tec
>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:21:54 -0500
>From: "Kenneth Wilson" <kg4big@mindspring.com>
>Subject: [TenTec] Corsair II
>The Corsair II I posted for sale has been spoken for.
>Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 00:24:36 -0000
>From: "Carl Moreschi" <n4py@earthlink.net>
>Subject: [TenTec] New version of N4PY Pegasus software version 1.44 and
RX320 software version 1.11 available
>Version 1.44 of my Pegasus Software is now available. It features 12 new
>including S meter calibration and the displaying of the main frequency in
>the task window
>so you can tell where you are tuned when minimized.
>Version 1.11 of my RX320 software is also now available. It features full
>operation with the OMNI VI, OMNI V.9, and Paragon II transceivers. Now
>with one of these transceivers and an RX-320 can have an integrated
>sub-receiver and
>easily monitor both sides of a pileup for that rare DX.
>Send me an email for full details.
>Carl Moreschi N4PY
>Franklinton, North Carolina
>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:59:15 -0600
>From: "Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer" <geraldj@ames.net>
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] PLEASE, no more arguing about off-topic posts!!! Now
a Tentec question!
>The power output of a solid state final drops quite a bit when the
>supply drops from 13.8 to 12 volts. Typically Vsat on the PA transistor
>is a couple volts, so the swing is limited to supply - 2 volts. The
>output load line is fixed by the output network so power output is
>proportional to the square of the voltage swing. 13.8 -2 is 11.8 volts
>peak swing. 12-2 is 10 volts. The ratio of their squares shows that a PA
>can only put out 71.8% at 12 volts than it put out at 13.8 volts. At 10
>volts that same PA can only put out 46% of the power it did at 13.8
>Some Scouts seem to have problems with voltage drop in the leads and
>power connector to lead to voltage regulation problems when the voltage
>drops below the required input voltage for regulation. The best of
>voltage regulators require less than half a volt drop to maintain
>regulation, while the more common 7800 series require more like 2.5
>volts drop for regulation.
>The voltage regulator on the control board in the Corsair II puts out
>8.2 volts. Looks like the absolute minimum supply has to be more than 3
>silicon junctions higher, probably more so at least 10 volts to remain
>regulated. The manual specifies power required 12 - 14 volts. 850 ma
>receive 18.5 amps transmit.
>Now I have a question. How is it possible to communicate with any Tentec
>radio without antenna and feed line?
>73, Jerry, K0CQ
>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 21:38:07 -0500
>From: "Ken & Linda Burrough" <w8keb@1st.net>
>Subject: [TenTec] An Pegasus Question
>Hi All
>I now have a new Pegasus, I found out I was using the Jupiter as the
>and it was too far from the computer for easy operating. My choice was
>rebuilt the operating position or get an Pegasus. Peggy won. Now for the
>Has anyone married an good keyboard cw program with the Pegasus? I have
>used the keyboard for my cw sending for over 15 years now and I do not like
>have two keyboards on the desk. I need to know how it is cabled up from
>computer to the Pegasus and what additional hardware is needed.
>Thanks all
>Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 21:58:07 -0500
>From: Tim Long <longt@empireone.net>
>Subject: [TenTec] Goodbye
><html><head></head><body>There are other forums, reflectors, newsgroups,
>etc. where all of the off-topic discussions can take place. You all
>stroke and feed each others egos without me. 73</body></html>
>Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 04:07:23 -0000
>From: "Carl Moreschi" <n4py@earthlink.net>
>Subject: Fw: [TenTec] Updated "Lineage" Release to Public (long)
>Carl Moreschi N4PY
>Franklinton, North Carolina
>- ----- Original Message -----
>From: "Carl Moreschi" <n4py@earthlink.net>
>To: "Barry N1EU" <n1eu@hotmail.com>
>Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 3:34 AM
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] Updated "Lineage" Release to Public (long)
>> The PBT in the Corsairs, Paragon's, OMNI V, OMNI VI all use a 9 mhz to
>> mhz
>> and back to 9 mhz to accomplish PBT.
>> The scheme works like this. The signal is first filtered at 9 mhz. A
>> variable oscillator
>> then converts this signal to 6.3 mhz. The exact value of the oscillator
>> determines what
>> part of the converted signal goes through the 6.3 mhz filter. This very
>> same oscillator
>> then converts filtered 6.3 mhz signal back to 9 mhz. What you end up
>> is the 6.3 mhz filter
>> becomes essentially tunable to allow you to vary what part of the
>> passes
>> through it. This tunability is accomplished by the variablity of the
>> oscillator doing
>> the back and forth conversion from 9 to 6.3 and back to 9.
>> So when you speak of passband tuning with a scheme like this, you really
>> need to talk about 2 IF freq's. For DSP radios, this all gets done in
>> software because you really can
>> move the filters since they are just software anyway.
>> Carl Moreschi N4PY
>> Franklinton, North Carolina
>> n4py@earthlink.net
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Barry N1EU" <n1eu@hotmail.com>
>> To: <tentec@contesting.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 11:16 AM
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Updated "Lineage" Release to Public (long)
>> >
>> > Dumb question - is the PBT in late rigs really at 9Mhz? It's not at
>> 6.3Mhz?
>> >
>> > 73,
>> > Barry N1EU
>> >
>> >
>> > >From: Kevin L Anderson <k9iua@juno.com>
>> > >Corsair I: 3 IF filters, same AGC system as Omni-C, dual conversion
>> > > (IFs at 9 and 6.3 MHz and then back to 9 MHz for PBT), Corsair II
>> > >(8/87): same basic receiver, 3 IF filters, dual conversion,
>> > > stock 9 MHz IF filter upgraded to 8 poles, PBT,
>> > > audio filter, NB?, transformer feedback amplifier stages before and
>> > > after first mixer (diode ring), adds 3 selectable audio filters and
>> > > a notch filter within the AGC loop to Corsair I
>> > >
>> > >Omni V (11/90): uses synthesizer rather than PTO; IFs at 9 and 6.3 MHz
>> > > (and then back to 9 MHz for PBT, like Corsairs)
>> > >Omni VI (1/93): added RIT, sidetone that follows CW offset, internal
>> > > keyer, low pass DSP filter to reduce IF hiss instead of "tone
>> control",
>> > > increased microprocessor clock speed, crystal oven for xtal osc,
>> > > minor changes in firmware controlled items
>> > _________________________________________________________________
>> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/tentec
>> > Submissions: tentec@contesting.com
>> > Administrative requests: tentec-REQUEST@contesting.com
>> > Problems: owner-tentec@contesting.com
>> >
>> >
>End of TenTec Amateur Radio Digest V4 #45
>FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/tentec
>Submissions: tentec@contesting.com
>Administrative requests: tentec-digest-REQUEST@contesting.com
>Problems: owner-tentec-digest@contesting.com
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/tentec
Submissions: tentec@contesting.com
Administrative requests: tentec-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-tentec@contesting.com