[TenTec] FS: Ten-Tec Corsair II & Accessories

Dave Redfearn n4elm@home.com
Fri, 02 Feb 2001 20:07:41 -0600

For Sale:

Ten-Tec Corsair II
Remote VFO
960 Power Supply/ Speaker

With: 1.8 KHz, 500 Hz, and 250 Hz crystal filters

Cosmetically in very good condition, some slight scratches or wear
The front panels are in very good condition, no wear marks or worn
Electrically in very good condition, everything works, no repairs or
mods, full output power
With: manuals

$750.00  + shipping from TX

Can provide pictures on request. 

73 - Dave
Dave Redfearn, ARS N4ELM, McKinney, TX
Email: n4elm@NOJUNKhome.com (to reply, remove NOJUNK)
QRL? de N4ELM/qrp

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