[TenTec] Jupiter/746/570??
Steve Ellington
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 13:43:15 -0500 (EST)
For pros on the 570 go to the Kenwood relector and for pros on the 746 go
to the Icom reflector. Here you will get plenty of pros for the Jupiter
and find out you realy don't need a tuner and that if you have RF problems
the trouble is really your shack, not your rig. One thing to keep in mind
is the 30 day free trial period on the Jupiter. Also, THE HAMSTATION in
Evansville In has a 10 day trial on used equipment. You're just out the
shipping cost. 73
> The age old question... which is the better choice? I
> really only need HF. Tuner is a plus, but not a
> necessity. After 10 years out of HF, I'm back.
> Currently using a Tentec Scout, which is a great
> little rig. Thinking one of the above radios with a
> Solid State amplifier would be FB.
> I live in Rural West Texas... long way to the nearest
> Ham dealer. Hoping to compare some rigs at Midland,
> TX Hamfest next month, but in the mean time I'm
> looking for input.
> Thanks in advance
> Tim "Buzz"
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Steve Ellington N4LQ
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