[TenTec] OmniC

Clark Savage Turner csturner@falcon.csc.calpoly.edu
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 18:09:32 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000, Ed W3NR wrote:

> been there for service. I continue to have a "warble" when tuning, and in my
> experience this is related to PTO problems. Any help here, other than a

Been there.  The rebuild, even from Ten Tec, is not always perfect.  I
would take the PTO completely down and do a fine (toothbrush) cleaning in
alcohol and really inspect the parts.  Use only really good grease when
putting it back (I use white lithium bicycle grease).  Play with the
tension on the back.  I have done this over a few times to get it close,
sometimes it doesn't quite ever get perfect.

> rebuild less than 3 months after Tentec rebuilt it ? The next is drift, now

Ten Tec's standards are not mine.  I'm really demanding, some of their
service techs are not perfectionists like me.  I'm only half joking.
Actually, a slight warble in tuning is not a big deal for operation, so I
understand underplaying it.  I just hate it and work hard to eliminate it
in MY rig.  I'm with you brother!

> this is a problem. The rig drifts 30 to 50 cycles up, continuously. No
> matter if it is on for 30 minutes or 30 hours. Tune in a CW signal and it
> slowly drifts up. Somewhere in my mind it is again related to the PTO. Any

I have been there.  One thing is the PTO spring tension / bearing
relationship.  You can experience a physical drift where the PTO is
literally moving along with the spring tension.  I have eliminated it by
careful inspection and rebuild of the PTO.  It is a very Zen experience,
you can become one with the PTO after a time.  :-)

> thoughts on this one ?? Tentec's answer was "after all what do you expect,
> the rig is 20 years old ". So any input from the list will be helpful.

That answer may be related to crystal aging.  Does this occur on all
bands?  You may have a crystal that is bad, too.  I'd bet completely on
the PTO.  Have a spare PTO?  A friend with one?  Live near me in CA?  Swap
it out to see what happens!  (You can sometimes find a spare PTO for under
$50 on this list, I've been able to do it and have sold a few too...good
to have one around to keep nice and rebuilt for just such occasions!)

Good luck.  Write again with more info.


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