[TenTec] Reciever comparisons

Jim Lowman jmlowman@ix.netcom.com
Wed, 03 Jan 2001 09:37:01 -0800

Well, Richard, having a wife who is a ham makes things simpler.  :-)
Even if she doesn't have privileges on HF, having spent more than 30 
years listening to me about the hobby, she seems to understand the
reason that I have radios that aren't even connected to an antenna or
power.  That's soon to be remedied.

Anyway, I was glad to see the positive feedback on the Jupiter/Pegasus vs. the Omni VI Plus.  At the time that the Pegasus
was introduced I spoke with Stan at the T-T Sales Department, who admitted that the Pegasus was no Omni VI Plus.  Of course, Stan
knows that the reason for having the Omni is CW, in my case.

Ken's comments were especially appreciated, since he did the 
comparison that was requested.  Except for the one CW filter that would
be a special order item from INRAD, I have INRAD CW filters (250 and
500 Hz) in both IFs.  The only thing left to do is to get the two 
2.4 kHz INRAD filters as recommended by Jim (KH7M) but that's really
more for improved CW performance.

I think it would be interesting to try a Jupiter, with it's myriad
filter assortment, and especially a radio that can be upgraded using

73 de Jim - AD6CW

nw4p@martha.xtn.net wrote:
> Gentlemen,
>  Thanks for all the comments on the 6+ versus the Jupiter. I guess
> I'll just keep the Omni 6+ and save my money for the Jupiter as a
> second rig.  Now that creates another problem !! How do I convince
> my wife that I need another radio ??
>       Thanks again,  Richard   NW4P

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