[TenTec] LDG Autotuner

Scott Walker N3SW@worldnet.att.net
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 20:22:30 -0500

I find it interesting that TT may be selling the LDG 
autotuner, considering the problem I had using it in my 
Omni VI station.  I built one of them from a kit about 
2 years ago.  It went together very well and performed 
as advertised.  However, I noted an increase of QRN when 
operating full QSK CW with it.  I became very sensitive 
to internally generated noise in my shack because of 
this, and at first I did not realize it was the 
autotuner.  I simultaneously had a problem with the Omni 
6 "hearing itself" when certain parts of the front-panel 
display were active, and TT told me to add a bypass cap 
on the low-level board to fix that.  There was still 
another source of noise, and when I switched back to my 
old TT 4229 antenna tuner, that noise 
disappeared.  I called LDG, and with some discussion they 
speculated that I was hearing the processor in the 
autotuner between each CW character as the AT-11 sensed 
the SWR on the feedline.  This was most obvious on 
80-meter CW, where I operate daily (NTS nets).  The only 
solution was to defeat the autotune function entirely 
by lifting a diode lead (switching it to manual does not 
override the SWR autosensing) making the processor sleep.  
I decided this was too much trouble and have stayed with 
my old tuner.  I made TT aware of this problem.  So my 
point is, I might be the only guy who had this 
problem.  I will be interested to hear results as more TT 
users try out this autotuner.
 Scott Walker
 New Cumberland, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania USA
 E-Mail: N3SW@worldnet.att.net
 CW: -.  ...--  ...  .--

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