[TenTec] Station Grounding
Ken Kinyon - W7TS
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 12:46:05 -0700
Hello to all,
I am in the process of moving my station to another room in the house. My
experience with the OMNI-VI is that it is very touchy about stray RF.
My equipment is OMNI-VI+, Hercules II, Titan, and 238 tuner.
I have installed three eight foot ground rods a couple feet apart right out
side the shack. I have installed a Number 2 copper wire from the ground
rods to the antenna tuner ground screw. I now intent to connect each of the
pieces of equipment to the tuner ground screw with a separate copper strap.
I am looking for any comments and advice about whether this is the way to do
it or not.
thanks and 73,
Kenneth E. Kinyon
34 Princeton Circle
Longmont, CO 80503-2106
Voice/fax (303) 684-0037
E-mail W7TS@Qwest.net
ALPCA #8339
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