[TenTec] Scout mechanical problems....

Bwana Bob wb2vuf@qsl.net
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 17:58:23 -0500

I would look for any loose hardware on the chassis, boards, or
PTO mounting screws. There could be an electrical problem, too,
like maybe the 12 V supply to the Scout take a voltage dip due to
a loose connection in the power cable.

By the way, what is the recommended cleaning procedure for the Scout
PTO and should it be lubricated?


			Bob WB2VUF

"Avila, Edward" wrote:
> To all,
> I'm running a Ten Tec Scout about 3 years old in the car and lately I've
> started experiencing mechanical-stability problems which happens when I hit
> a large bump in the road (we have many of them in this part of the
> country!)it jumps 1-khz or so in frequency even when the lock is
> on........not cool when running CW!!
> Electrically, when the car is at rest, the Scout is as stable as the digital
> rigs (well, almost...HI), so this is really a mechanical problem. About a
> year ago I took the PTO out and cleaned it per TT, do I need to do this once
> a year or is there a better, more permanent fix for this problem?
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated since other than the stability
> problem I really like running this rig in the car and would like to keep it
> for this service.
> thanks........73 /k6sdw
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