[TenTec] power for a Herc II ?
Clark Savage Turner
Sat, 13 Jan 2001 13:11:49 -0800 (PST)
On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Carl Hyde wrote:
> Herc II owners use a 12 volt deep cycle marine battery or two of them in
> parallel. The batteries made for trolling motors will give you many hours of
> operating time before they drop below 12.5 volts. Put a deep cycle
> charge/Conditioner on it and you can recharge quickly and float the battery
Thanks for the info, Carl. In view of the California power nonsense, I
lean towards a pair of 6 volt golf cart batteries. I wonder if trickle
charging them with, say, a 2 amp solar panel (we get plenty of sun here
every day) sounds about right to you. I know more than a few guys here on
the list run the Herc II from batteries, and that is the way I'll go at
least temporarily.
Anyone have a good line on solar panels somewhere? I would certainly buy
the batteries locally but need to find a good source for the panels.
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