[TenTec] Station Grounding
Carl R. Gansen
Sun, 14 Jan 2001 06:23:54
Because of skin effect, I figure surface area of the conductor
will trump the heft of most copper bus bars sold. Shipping of long
bus bars can be expensive as well. The relatively large surface area
of a copper pipe should make an adequate RF ground.
I bought a hardware store/home center common 3/4 inch copper pipe
and some copper battery charger clamps. I ran the pipe along
my basement wall behind my equipment with about an 18" #00 conductor
to a ground rod outside (1" copper pipe lotta surface area).
I made up braid jumpers between my equipment and the copper pipe.
It worked out well for me. The store also had some nifty supports
that held the pipe out from the wall by about an inch or so making
it easy to clamp to.
I have my TT06+ Herc II, 238, scout, Omni C and power supplies tied
to it. I thy to tie all of the things from each station cluster
to the pipe in about the same area.
Carl R. Gansen WB0CFF
9300 W 225 St
Belle Plaine, Mn. 56011-4206
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